Mesotherapy bodily

Body Mesotherapy is a technique aimed at shaping the silhouette naturally and gradually through the administration of homeopathic substances composed of natural elements or drugs that provide stimuli to the patient, managing to dissolve the accumulated fat.

It can be applied to any area of ​​the body, except the breasts.

It is normally applied to the buttocks, thighs and abdomen.

It is a very effective treatment to treat cellulite, since it manages to activate both blood and lymphatic circulation, and firm our tissues.


Who can undergo the procedure?

It is generally used in the treatments of diffuse cellulite, circulatory and peripheral disorders, and localized fat in certain areas. Body mesotherapy in our lipoart has the following main functions:

  • Activation of blood and lymphatic circulation.
  • Improve oxygen exchange of the skin and treated tissues.
  • It produces a local combustion of undesirable fats, managing to eliminate them almost entirely.
  • It ensures that our body is freed from fluids and toxins.


Who can't get stuffed?

  1. This treatment is contraindicated in the following cases:

    • People who suffer from infections and/or skin lesions.
    • Coagulation disorders.
    • Skin atopies.
    • People who suffer from allergies to the product.
    • Women who are pregnant.
    • Women who are breastfeeding.
    • Patients who have any of these diseases: diabetes, AIDS, leukemia, arrhythmias or cardiac disorders, history of neoplasia or hemorrhagic diseases.

    Body Mesotherapy is indicated for all people who want to shape their silhouette or reduce cellulite (orange peel) naturally.

    At Clinical Aesthetic Institute the prices of procedures with Body Mesotherapy They are closed and with VAT included, and we will offer them to you with a quote without any commitment in a free first consultation, where our aesthetic doctor will be able to assess your case and recommend a personalized treatment tailored to your needs.


Answers to the most frequently asked questions about Body Mesotherapy.

Can you lose weight with body mesotherapy treatment?

It is not a treatment whose main objective is to lose weight, but rather it is indicated to shape the figure and treat localized fat accumulation.

How long does a body mesotherapy session last?

It generally lasts about 20 minutes, although it depends on the area to be treated.

Do side effects appear with body mesotherapy?

If the treatment is carried out by authorized medical personnel, it has few or no side effects. A slight discomfort may be felt at the time of injection. Sometimes slight bruising may appear in the puncture areas, which are painless and last approximately 24-72 hours.

How many sessions are required?

Approximately between 10 and 12 sessions are recommended, with one session per week.

What are the advantages over other treatments?

Body mesotherapy is a recommended technique to treat specific areas that would be impossible to reduce with other types of techniques.

Is there body mesotherapy without the use of needles?

Yes, and it is known as virtual mesotherapy.

How long does it take to see the effects?

Practically from the seventh session, the skin will appear softer and more hydrated. The effect of the treatment on sagging is more gradual, and even once the treatment is finished, the applied substances will continue to act on the smoothness of the treated body areas.

How many mesotherapy sessions are necessary?

Between 10 and 15 sessions and maintenance sessions are recommended.


What is the Body Mesotherapy Technique like?

The technique of body mesotherapy is the administration of homeopathic medications intradermally, through the application of microinjections in the body area to be treated, with hardly any discomfort for the patient, to improve orange peel skin, cellulite, sagging and localized fat.
Injections are performed with very fine needles, inserting them approximately 4 mm deep, spacing the points approximately 1 to 4 mm apart in order to apply the benefits of the substance to the area being treated in a practically painless manner.
This technique can be applied through a gun (allowing immediate injections, microdoses, slow infusions and continuous bursts), or manually using a syringe (allowing a change in the injection mode and the products injected).
This therapeutic procedure requires several sessions to gradually perceive magnificent results, generally between 10 and 15 sessions are needed.
The frequency of application is approximately once or twice a week, depending on the area to be treated and the number of microinjections. In a well-administered mesotherapy session, a small amount of medication is applied, applying microdrops, between 150 and 200 painless injections.


The most frequently used products for body mesotherapy are:
•    Vitamins.
•    Minerals.
•    Essential fatty acids.
•    Amino acids.
•    Trace elements.
•    Toning.
•    Fat burners or lipolytics.
•    Other substances.

Care after body mesotherapy

•    Healthy eating.
•    Physical exercise.
•    Drink plenty of water.
•    Perform maintenance mesotherapy sessions.
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