If you want to know what your ideal weight is, reach it and not recover it,

Obesity is a chronic treatable disease, characterized by excess adipose tissue that causes a decrease in the life expectancy of patients.

The treatment of obesity must be long-term, that is, weight loss must be gradual and constant, with strict monitoring to avoid rebound weight gain. At LIPOART we help you change behavior and lifestyles, since they are the only ways to change a person's weight permanently. These changes focus on gradual and permanent changes in diet and exercise habits. There are six ways to change your behavior and lifestyle that will help you maintain your weight loss:

  • Learn about nutrition.
  • Change your eating habits.
  • Increasing your physical activity.
  • Change your attitudes towards food.
  • Join a weight loss program.
  • Participate in support systems.
  • Follow the medication therapies ordered by the specialist.

At LIPOART we adapt our medical-nutritional treatments to the typology of each patient, who undergoes an anthropometric study and a previous medical history to apply the most appropriate dietary technique: Low-calorie, Protein, Dissociated, Zone, Anti-cellulite or Combined.


  • Specialists in effective and healthy protein and low-calorie nutritional treatments.
  • Constant and progressive weight loss without rebound effect.
  • Personalized assessment.

At LIPOART we have expert nutritionists who will help you achieve your ideal weight in a simple and healthy way. After an exhaustive analysis, our experts have selected the most effective and healthy diets. In a first consultation we will evaluate your case and recommend the most appropriate diet.


Based on the reduction of lipids and carbohydrates in intake. During the ketosis process the body begins to consume its own reserves. It is a cleansing diet that allows you to lose weight quickly and in localized areas without sagging. You can do it with the help of specific products or with a diet based on the foods that the specialist will indicate to you in each phase of the treatment.


  • Purifying diet
  • Allows you to lose weight quickly.
  • Contributes to reducing cellulite.
  • It is enjoyable and varied.
  • Easy to prepare.
  • The ketone phase contributes to losing the feeling of hunger.
  • Prevents loss of muscle mass.
  • Maintains your usual vitality.
  • Maintains your usual vitality.

There are two possibilities:

WITH PRODUCTS: The nutritionist will prescribe the appropriate products for your case to complement your diet in each phase of the treatment.

WITHOUT PRODUCTS: A plan is prepared based on the foods that should make up the diet throughout each phase.


Based on the intake of foods that provide the necessary nutrients but with few calories. By eating fewer calories than the body needs during its daily activity, it will begin to draw on reserves. It is healthy and suitable for almost everyone, and it is advisable to accompany it with physical exercise.

Advantages of the Hypocaloric Diet

  • Healthy and Balanced.
  • Constant and progressive weight loss without feeling hungry.
  • Suitable for almost everyone.
  • Avoid the rebound effect.
  • It is very balanced.
  • With the help of varied menus we can avoid monotony in a simple way.
  • It can be done for several months, although always under medical supervision.
  • Regulation of glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

At LIPOART we have created the Overweight and Obesity Unit, for cases of patients where all dietary and physical exercise techniques have failed, so we make the most advanced, safe and effective techniques available to our patients, to help effective way to achieve our goal: for our patient to lose and maintain their ideal weight, for this we have a team that masters and knows bariatric techniques such as:

  • Gastric Bypass
  • Abilti pacemaker
  • Intragastric Balloon
  • POSE method
  • Adjustable Gastric Band by Laparoscopy
  • Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy or Gastric Sleeve
  • Laparoscopic Gastric Plication

The Overweight and Obesity Unit, a team made up of Bariatric Surgeons specialized in the latest techniques, Nutritionist, Psychologist and Aesthetic Doctor, to guarantee success in the different weight loss programs.

Whether one technique or another is indicated depends on the characteristics of the patient. The surgeon will recommend a specific technique to the patient taking into account the BMI, eating habits and associated diseases that can be improved.

 Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass surgery is an operation that creates a small pouch to restrict food intake and bypasses a segment of the small intestine. In the gastric bypass procedure, a surgeon makes a direct connection from the stomach pouch to a lower segment of the small intestine, bypassing the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine) and some of the jejunum (the second part of the intestine). thin), delaying the mixing of ingested food and digestive enzymes.

RYGB is the most common type of bariatric surgery. The surgeon begins by creating a small pouch by dividing the upper end of the stomach. This restricts food intake. Next, a section of the small intestine is attached to the pouch to allow food to bypass the duodenum as well as the first portion of the jejunum. The small intestine is reconnected 150 centimeters from the pouch to allow ingested food and digestive enzymes to mix.

Marcapasos Abiliti

Abiliti está indicado a todos los pacientes cuyo Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) se encuentre entre 35 y 55 y también en los casos en los que “los afectados presenten ya problemas derivados de la obesidad”,  aunque “también podría ser útil para pacientes con un IMC inferior a 35 con, por ejemplo, una alteración metabólica asociada”.

Este sistema combina tecnología de microelectrónica implantable (parecida a la utilizada en los marcapasos cardiacos) e Internet y los componentes principales son tres: estimulador gástrico implantable, cable implantable y programador del sistema.

Su implantación es mediante cirugía laparoscópica mínimamente invasiva, en la que el cirujano realiza tres o cuatro pequeños orificios en la pared abdominal para acceder al estómago. Una vez allí, el médico sujeta el cable al estómago y lo hace pasar por la cavidad abdominal, donde lo conecta al estimulador gástrico.

Finalmente, se implanta el estimulador gástrico y se cierran los orificios. El procedimiento no implica grapas en el estómago ni desviar los intestinos y dura menos de una hora, con el paciente bajo anestesia general.


Intragastric Balloon

The device occupies an important part of the stomach, for this reason it generates a feeling of early SATIETY in the patient.


BMI: >27 to 40
BMI: >40 with surgical limitations or who reject surgical treatment.
Como “puente” hacia una Cirugía de la obesidad (reducción del riego quirúrgico)
Perder peso para reducir el riesgo quirúrgico de pacientes no bariátricos (traumatologia,ortopedia,etc.).
Infertilidad: La pérdida de peso mejora la fertilidad en las mujeres.
Pérdida de peso para pacientes con obesidad causada por embarazo, de media, tras embarazos consecutivos las mujeres ganan entre 12-15 kilos que les son imposibles de perder con la lactancia.


  • Any inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract: esophagitis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, Crohn's disease.
  • Before gastric or intestinal surgery.
  • Cancer of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Esophageal or gastric varicose veins.
  • Large hiatal hernia (>3cm).
  • Psychological disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction.
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • Allergic reaction to silicone.
  • Common symptoms after placement:
  • Gastric discomfort.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Hypersalivation.

The average weight loss is 17 kg with the balloon implanted for 6 months, with follow-up by a multidisciplinary team (Nutritionist, Psychologists and doctors). Currently there is a new intragastric balloon that lasts one year.

The following complications have been described:
Fungal contamination, Gastric stasis, Deflation.


POSE method

The POSE method allows stomach reduction without incisions or scars.

Thus, the capacity of the stomach is limited and the patient feels more satiated by eating a smaller amount of food.

The intervention

It is performed orally through an endoscopy and consists of making a series of folds in the gastric fundus to modify the size and shape of the stomach and thus reduce its capacity and stimulate the feeling of premature satiety.

The duration of the intervention is about 40 minutes and is performed under general anesthesia. As it is a minimally invasive intervention, it is considered low risk and hospital admission is usually outpatient or only 24 hours. As there are no incisions or external wounds, the recovery process is quick and minimally bothersome.

Main advantages of the POSE Method

  • Oral stomach reduction without incisions or external scars.
  • Minimally invasive intervention through endoscopy.
  • Reduced risk of infection and faster recovery compared to other surgeries
  • Return to normal activity in 48 hours.


The results

Patients begin to lose weight during the first 4 weeks after the intervention. The final result of the treatment will depend largely on the level of adherence to the dietary and lifestyle re-education program.


Who is it addressed to?

  • Obesities between type 1 and 3, with BMI between 30 and 40.
  • Patients who have successfully undergone previous treatments and who, over time, have regained the lost weight.
  • Patients with morbid obesity who do not want to undergo major surgical procedures.

The Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band

During the procedure, the surgeons use the instruments and laparoscopic technique to implant an inflatable silicone band around the upper part of the stomach. The band creates a new small gastric chamber and a small hole through which the stomach is emptied, causing the patient to have an early feeling of satiety and feel full and satisfied with small amounts of food. Which translates into weight loss.

The hospital stay for this type of patient is short, one to two days, in some cases this hospital stay can be increased if the Surgery has had to be converted to an open Technique due to complications.

This type of surgical procedure does not require the use of staplers or cuts in the stomach or intestine. It is considered the least aggressive among laparoscopic surgical techniques.

The Gastric Band is also adjustable, as it can be modified by inflating or deflating the inner surface with saline solution. The Surgeon can control the amount of saline in the band by using a fine needle through the skin.

Monthly checks of the adjustable band during the first 6-12 months after surgery is very important to achieve good results. When the band is adjusted properly, the duration between visits should be lengthened. The band adjustments must be made by the surgeon in a consultation, avoiding patient discomfort.

Finally, if the band is indicated, remove it, when this is done, the stomach will return to its original form and function.


Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy or Gastric Sleeve

La reducción de estómago sin incisiones

The POSE method allows stomach reduction without incisions or scars.

Thus, the capacity of the stomach is limited and the patient feels more satiated by eating a smaller amount of food.

The intervention

It is performed orally through an endoscopy and consists of making a series of folds in the gastric fundus to modify the size and shape of the stomach and thus reduce its capacity and stimulate the feeling of premature satiety.

The duration of the intervention is about 40 minutes and is performed under general anesthesia. As it is a minimally invasive intervention, it is considered low risk and hospital admission is usually outpatient or only 24 hours. As there are no incisions or external wounds, the recovery process is quick and minimally bothersome.

Main advantages of the POSE Method

  • Oral stomach reduction without incisions or external scars.
  • Minimally invasive intervention through endoscopy.
  • Reduced risk of infection and faster recovery compared to other surgeries
  • Return to normal activity in 48 hours.

The results

Patients begin to lose weight during the first 4 weeks after the intervention. The final result of the treatment will depend largely on the level of adherence to the dietary and lifestyle re-education program.

Who is it addressed to?

  • Obesities between type 1 and 3, with BMI between 30 and 40.
  • Patients who have successfully undergone previous treatments and who, over time, have regained the lost weight.
  • Patients with morbid obesity who do not want to undergo major surgical procedures.


Laparoscopic Gastric Plication

It is a restrictive procedure that reduces the size of the stomach and limits the amount of food you can eat.

Cómo se realiza la Manga Gástrica?

We perform the Gastric Sleeve by laparoscopy, making small incisions (4-5) in the abdominal wall, using a video camera (laparoscopy) and long instruments that we introduce through these small incisions.
During the performance of the gastric sleeve By laparoscopy, around 75% of the stomach is removed, leaving a gastric tube or sleeve. The intestines are not resected, it is not used to make bridges when a Gastric Sleeve is performed. The surgical intervention time is over in one or two hours.

How does sleeve gastrectomy cause weight loss?

The Gastric Sleeve is a restrictive procedure; having reduced the size of your stomach, it limits the amount of food you can eat at one time. It does not cause a deficit in nutrient absorption, nor are bridges made with your intestine. After eating small amounts of food, you will feel very full quickly and will continue to be full for many hours.
The gastric sleeve also produces a decrease in appetite. Also reducing the size of the stomach reduces the amount of “hunger hormone” produced by the stomach, which contributes to weight loss after this procedure.

To whom do we offer laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery?

This surgical procedure was primarily used as part of a gradual surgical weight loss approach. in super morbidly obese patients or in those patients at high risk for anesthesia with cardiac or pulmonary problems who would not adequately tolerate long surgery. Sometimes the decision for two-stage surgical treatment is decided during the surgical procedure. The reason for making this intraoperative decision include: An excessive size of the Liver or an extensive scar that would make the Gastric Bypass become a long or unsafe procedure.
In patients in whom the gastric sleeve has been performed as a first stage, the second stage (gastric bypass) is performed 12 to 18 months after having significantly lost weight and the anesthetic risk is much lower (the size of the liver has decreased)
We think that this Two-stage strategy is suitable in some patients, we believe it is safe and effective in selected patients.
Laparoscopic gastric sleeve is also used as a primary procedure. We offer this technique to diabetic patients with a BMI between 30 and 40.

What are the risks of Laparoscopic Gastric Sleeve?

The risks are similar or common to any laparoscopic procedure, such as bleeding, infection, injury to other organs, or the need to convert to open surgery. There is also a small risk of fistula along the staple line made to divide the stomach. These problems are rare and major complications occur in less than 1%.
Overall, the risks associated with laparoscopic gastric sleeve are slightly higher relative to laparoscopic gastric banding, but we must also say that it is comparatively lower risk in relation to Gastric Bypass.

Cuales son lo beneficios de la Manga Gástrica por Laparoscopia?

Depending on their preoperative weight, patients can expect to lose between 40% to 70% of their excess weight in the first year after surgery. Many of the comorbidities associated with obesity improve or resolve after surgery. Bariatric surgery. Diabetes, hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, high cholesterol levels improve or are cured in more than 75% of patients undergoing obesity surgery with Gastric Sleeve.

Is Laparoscopic Gastric Sleeve a good choice for me?

Your Surgeon should talk to you about laparoscopic gastric sleeve, it is an option if you have a BMI over 60, or major medical problems that increase the risks for anesthesia or Gastric bypass. We are also offering it to patients with a lower BMI and diabetes.
You should discuss and learn about all surgical procedures with your Surgeon and determine what is the best solution for you.


In the case of laparoscopic techniques, they provide us with security without opening the abdomen.

It is currently the approach of choice in obese patients. We can perform any type of bariatric technique through laparoscopy. The laparoscopic approach consists of avoiding major incisions. It is operated through tubes placed through small wounds (5 mm or 12 mm). We have at our disposal all the instruments necessary for its development, video laparoscopes, blood vessel sealants to ensure hemostasis, stapling and cutting machines to make the unions of the intestines. These materials make the techniques safe and short-lived.

These minimal wounds allow good aesthetic results. They make the pain related to traditional surgery disappear. There is a faster recovery, allowing early mobilization and an early start of the diet. Achieving a quick return to your usual activities. Compared to open surgery, it avoids infections, hernias of the surgical wound and prolonged recoveries.

Surgery for obesity allows a longer life expectancy by reducing the risk of cardiovascular or cerebrovascular diseases, improves quality of life and self-esteem by improving your body image.

Relationship between diabetes and obesity

Clinical and epidemiological experience has demonstrated an indisputable association between obesity and diabetes mellitus. Moderate degrees of obesity can raise the risk of diabetes up to 10 times and the risk increases related to the degree of obesity.

Diabetes mellitus type 2

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that requires medical treatment. There are patients who present inadequate responses to medical treatment who may be candidates for surgery. Diabetes usually resolves, or improves, within a few weeks after surgery, long before complete loss of excess weight.

Why have surgery

It has been observed that after surgery, by promoting weight loss, patients improve in addition to type 2 diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure or sleep apnea. Metabolic surgery improves survival by reducing the risk and mortality from cardiovascular or cerebrovascular causes.

Metabolic surgery

Metabolic surgery refers to the surgical treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, representing a new treatment option for this disease until today considered only medical treatment. Metabolic surgery derives from bariatric surgery or surgery for Morbid Obesity.

When should I have surgery?

There is an indication for surgery when there is type 2 diabetes mellitus that is difficult to control with usual medical treatment and is associated with severe obesity (35-39.9 kg/m2) or greater, morbid obesity (40 kg/m2 or greater). When diabetes mellitus and dietary and drug-supported treatments fail to maintain blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin levels within normal ranges.

Can I have laparoscopic surgery without opening the abdomen?

Yes. Currently, the laparoscopic approach is the choice in most abdominal procedures and therefore, the surgical approach is always using this technique. We can perform any type of laparoscopic technique.

How to ensure better long-term diabetes control?

The interventions that offer the best long-term results are those of the derivative group, where bridges are made between the intestines to change the transit of the bolus. These techniques have added value by more frequently allowing the improvement or cure of diseases that often coincide with diabetes.

Each patient will require a personalized assessment to identify what type of surgical technique best suits their dietary characteristics and the possible improvement of the diseases they have.

How much does it cost?

Performing metabolic surgery is profitable because by improving the disease the patient saves costs associated with treatment and will enjoy a more productive life.

At LIPOART, we offer serious consideration and commitment to each and every weight loss treatment. Patients must be aware and have a fundamental understanding of all aspects of each of our programs. All facets of your life – body, mind and spirit – will potentially undergo significant changes. We will provide the support and guidance to help you succeed through your weight loss journey. The successful patient will not only lose weight, but will also have significant improvement in many of their current medical problems and will be able to enjoy a better quality of life. At LIPOART we invite you to come to our facilities and find out what is the most appropriate method for you to lose weight, it is time to take charge of your present and your future, to live a healthy life, we are waiting for you!

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